Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bunder Opposition to APC Land Use Plan

My notes for the APC tomorrow night . . . even if you can't be there, remember they will read your comments into the record.  rogara@tippecanoe.in.gov   Ryan O'Gara

In 2009 I drafted the W.Lafayette city council resolution that called for the development of a land use plan for the New Chauncey Neighborhood.

While the technical work done by the APC staff toward this end is excellent, this process has been disappointing.

It has taken too long. Here in 2013, with the Wang Hall and Muinzer projects underway, the plan is less relevant.

It has valued commercial interests over voter interests. A number of the “stakeholders” included in the original steering committee melted away during the lengthy process. The membership became lopsided. Contrast this group to “Centennial’s” membership.

It has taken place without the promised mediation. This was crucial to the successful conversation undertaken by the neighborhood and the Purdue Research Foundation around the Wang Hall project.

Instead, the APC, with one would assume the blessing of the West Lafayette City government, at our second to last meeting, changed the previously touted rules on reaching an agreement from achieving consensus to a series of up/down votes on land use. The results were predictable.

So, after having wasted three or four years on this effort,  I seem to  have managed to reduce the R1-U portion of the New Chauncey neighborhood by 16% and achieved little else. A compromise? No; Jay McCann and I simply lost a bunch of votes.

I took a shot at “special” and got “typical”.

The development that is now envisioned in the block-by-block plan will fundamentally alter a neighborhood already stressed by new and denser development, and undermine the announced goal of neighborhood revitalization and preservation.

The planning process should be reopened. Or Barberry Heights, Hills and Dales, and Northwestern Heights forewarned.

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