Thursday, April 18, 2013

Comment at 4/17 APC Hearing

I would like to speak in favor of the New Chauncey land use plan presented tonight.

I would like to speak in favor of the plan and to offer some words of thanks.

To Carl Griffin, whose idea it was to have the West Lafayette city council pass a resolution calling for a land use plan as a way of encouraging neighborhood preservation and guiding neighborhood redevelopment in this neighborhood we both call home.

To Sallie Fahey and Ryan O'Gara for their professionalism and their perseverance throughout this four year process.

To  Roland Winger and Tim Shriner for their assistance, following the initial inconclusive vote on the original land use plan, in reassembling the land use steering committee.  My personal thanks to Mr. Shriner for introducing me to the history of "stump town".

To Charlie Shook. Mr. Shook has done this community many a good turn. He did so again by tactfully moderating a renewed conversation between our friends who represented local commercial interests and the New Chauncey residents. This revised land use plan is a tribute to his skill.

To Jay McCann. Dr. McCann did a much better job than I ever could have in seeing to it that this plan made it back before you tonight. His talent as a political scientist extends beyond "book learning".

Finally, and most importantly, thank you to the next generation of my New Chauncey neighbors. You believe that this multi-class, multi-generational near campus neighborhood is as important an attraction for West Lafayette as any lake or mountain. Your ambition for this community is refreshing.

I may question Purdue's historic lack of interest in it's near campus neighbors, and the city's will or skill in shaping a near campus neighborhood like those enjoyed by so many other university communities. But I do not question the energy and determination of my younger neighbors, nor their desire to see this plan through the many years and severally stages of planning ahead (historic preservation, overlay zoning, the creation of the partnerships envisioned by the long awaited investment entity) to a successful conclusion.

My particular and heartfelt thanks to them. Without them we all might have been willing to settle for far less.

Thank you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Peter and Jay,

A million thanks to you both for your amazing efforts and kind words for the "next generation of neighbors."

We're glad to have YOU as our neighbor!

James Britton