Saturday, February 27, 2010

Found the Problem

$2,770,000 - The net cash decrease in the Wastewater Utility for 2010.

The current move to metered trash began in May of 2008 when the Republican city administration in a Budget and Finance Committee meeting proposed an increase in the base trash tax. The Democratic city council majority objected, seeking instead a solution that would advance environmental policy and provide some equity to the poor, the elderly, and the environmentally sensitive who would have been discriminated against in a flat tax increase.

$466,000 - The 2010 gap between the sanitation budget and fees collected.

Along the way the city council, including two of the three Republican members who responded to the council president's survey, supported the notion that sanitation should be financially self-supporting.

$0 - The amount of increase in trash fees for the majority of W. Lafayette residents.

In an attempt at bipartisanship, the Democratic majority on city council gave up any increase in the base trash rate to meet the Mayor's objections to a fee increase. We would still establish the principal of trash as a metered utility.

90% - The waster water treatment plant is nearing capacity.

Lack of consistency in public policy for the sake of political expediency defeats sound fiscal policy. Let me make this prediction. There will be a dramatic increase in waste water rates - immediately AFTER the next mayoral election.

I found the problem.

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